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Forest Baggao


Forest Baggao


Forest was born in Big Bear, California, but calls Hawaii his home since childhood. He was raised in construction, shadowing his father who was a licensed contractor. While he earned a deep sense of hard work from his grandmother and grandfather, who was an aeronautical engineer, and both of whom immigrated to the US to provide a better life for themselves and their future family, his dedication and loyalty comes from his mother who spent her lifetime working in Hospitality & Tourism Management and is currently a General Manager for a resort in Cottonwood, Arizona. Forest graduated from The American Heritage Academy in Cottonwood and participated in continuing education courses in the construction trades.

Mr. Baggao started with Metzler Contracting Co. in the spring of 2003. He gained valuable insight working directly under Kit Metzler, which ultimately lead to development of his considerable skills and contributed to his work ethic. In nearly two decades with the Company he has proven to be an important asset and is always available to share his skills with anyone in need, especially in the community at large.

Forest resides in North Kohala with his wife and growing family, and is currently a Scout leader for the Boy Scouts of America and assists Troop 47, organized by the LDS church.

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